Blog 4 image

I have already detailed a lot of my plans for my thesis in past blog posts, so rather than re-state the entire project I will give an update about the floor plan of my display. The following was part of my formal proposal for the Thesis Show:

The product of my thesis is an interactive, tangible thing that can be pciked up and experienced. Therefore, the emphasis will be on the display of these objects. There will be two iPads and two print texts dislpayed on their own individual pedastals, with a large banner above reading either “Inferno” or the famous quote ‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”.

Ideally these pedastals will be spaced far enough apart that viewers can walk between them. They will bepainted black and arranged in a diamond/sqaure shape. If it can be accomplished in a polished way, I would like to create one or more circles from red rope-lights (but this may depend on wether the lights will have an impact on the space or look silly laying on the floor).

This week I did not accomplish my other goals of creating a color palette and getting the word out to illustrators. Those will still be my goals going forward this week, and I will need to move quickly on hiring (or not hiring) illustrators in case I need to do a lot of the work myself.