This is a rough first schedule for how the rest of the semester will pan out. I need to start by finishing the Inferno, and taking notes on where to add the helpful guides. Luckily, I found a website that is a reader’s guide for the Inferno. I will be making heavy use of this resource, and filling in missing areas with other sources as I go along. The source can be found here.
Other than the schedule, this week I started sorting out how to divide the cantos into sections as I read. I made notes of what I wanted illustrated for each section, and I wrote down some quick ideas for when I start to develop the UI. I was the process to be fluid and build as a whole, so I will be jumping around this schedule a lot.
I need to start considering my mentor. I will most likely try to contact someone who has worked with and studied Dante, possibly someone connected to the website resource I found. Another Mentor may be someone in publishing who can guide me on creating effective book covers and digital book designs. Meanwhile I will continue to read, take notes, and organize.